Meet your Wellbeing & Sport Officer candidates

Forge Press reached out to both of the candidates for Wellbeing & Sport, and their interviews are listed below.

The Wellbeing & Sport Officer is responsible for overseeing the management and development of fitness and sports clubs, as well as championing accessibility and inclusivity in sports.

They are also tasked with working with university staff and external organisations on student wellbeing support, and promoting student mental health initiatives such as stress relief workshops, mindfulness and peer support networks.

Amelia Desouza

Luke Hand

This article is part of Forge Press’ Students’ Union Election Coverage. You can read all of the interviews for other positions by clicking the links below. Voting is open between Wednesday 19 March at 8:00am, and Thursday 20 March at 10:00pm. Follow along with the results live from 7:00pm on Friday 21 March. 


Education Officer

Sustainability & Development Officer

Liberation & Activities Officer 

International & Welfare Officer

Wellbeing & Sport Officer

Students’ Union Trustee 
