Based on the iconic ‘80s film, 9 to 5 is a comedy musical following three female workers at the end of their tether who plot to kidnap their misogynistic boss. With a show-stopping score written by Dolly Parton herself and the wonderful acting prowess of SUPAS’ stars, 9 to 5 is sure to be a smash-hit.
I interviewed the team behind the show to find out more.
Why did you choose 9 to 5?
Charlie (Musical Director): It has such a wide breadth of interesting ensemble parts and generally relatable characters, but that doesn’t take away from the main story.
Alice (Choreographer): I wanted to choreograph 9 to 5 because it’s such an upbeat show with a great message.
Kim (Production Manager): I love the storyline and I love Dolly Parton! And although it’s set in the late ‘70s, the underlying theme of inequality in the workplace is as relevant now as it was back then.
Will (Director): It’s such a funny show! Finding the perfect way to deliver a line or gesture that brings the comedy out of it was a challenge that I couldn’t wait to sink my teeth into.
What sort of person is going to love this musical?
Charlie: It has something for everyone, but it’ll especially appeal to people who love a bit of Dolly.
Alice: Everyone!
Kim: Anyone who watches 9 to 5 will relate to most of the characters, just hopefully not Franklin Hart Jr!
Will: Absolutely everyone! Even better if you’re a fan of Dolly Parton.
Describe 9 to 5 in either 9 or 5 words.
Charlie: Fun, heartwarming and joyful, while still relevant and exciting!
Alice: A wonderful, funny, feminist masterpiece.
Kim: Funny, heartwarming, relevant, inspirational, attention-grabbing.
Will: Don’t drink the wrong coffee!
What has been most challenging about bringing this script and score to life?
Charlie: The hardest part for me was bringing ‘One of the Boys’ together. It’s got several different styles, with an intense dance and demanding harmonies, but that feeling when I realised we’d finished it? Unbeatable.
Alice: Some numbers are very bitty, with dialogue in the middle, which makes for interesting songs but is tricky to bring together.
Kim: Definitely the set and costume changes. But the design team and technicians have plenty of tricks up their sleeves and are incredibly talented, so I have no doubt that they’ll wow the audience!
Will: There are a lot of scenes with different settings, so it’s tricky to bring them to life.
In your opinion, what is the best song in the musical?
Charlie: My top three at the moment are ‘Get Out and Stay Out’, ‘Shine Like the Sun’ and ‘One of the Boys.’ If I had to choose a favourite, it would be ‘Get Out and Stay Out’ – the first time I heard the band play it was incredible.
Alice, Kim and Will: ‘One of the Boys’!
How can students get involved with other SUPAS productions in the future?
Charlie: We post regularly on Instagram (@SUPASShef) and Facebook (Sheffield University Performing Arts Society), and our wonderful radio and comms officer, Emily, is more than happy for a chat over DMs.
Alice: We’ll be announcing our next show in Week 10, and auditions will be at the beginning of Semester 2. We also hold workshops as part of our Musical Theatre Monday programme, which anyone is welcome to join!
Kim: Outside auditions, we hold plenty of socials and musical theatre workshops.
Will: Come to our auditions next semester! There’ll be opportunities to apply for cast, band and tech crew.
SUPAS’ 9 to 5 is running from 7th to 10th December in the Drama Studio. Get your tickets here: