This game unfolds with Leon’s next adventure in the Resident Evil universe which takes him through an iconic and immersive setting, mostly revolving around an eerie infected village in Spain.
In terms of world expansion, this part does noticeably little in comparison to some of the earlier entries of the series such as the second game, but it does relatively provide a more structured, action-packed, and character-focused adventure for Leon.
While some older prominent characters from Leon’s past such as Krausser and Ada are featured in the story, some impactful new faces with mostly justified motivations are observed throughout the adventure.
As far as a comparison with the original is concerned, this remake chooses to strategically replace some mechanics in the game to provide an experience that does not feel foreign to modern gamers.
In doing so, some elements of the original game are changed but a fair attempt to rebalance them is also made. For example, in the remake you are given the ability to move and shoot (this wasn’t the case originally) but this is compensated by making enemies harder to defeat due to erratic reflexes, to retain the general difficulty level of the original.
Improvements in dialogue help generate a stronger sense of motivation for some characters, make definitive story moments more impactful, and take a leap in the right direction toward improving the chemistry between characters, especially for Leon and Ashley.
In total, although the somewhat outdated but eccentric charm of the original game is lost, the modern adaptation does improve the player’s experience. As a result, the remake takes a step out from the shadow of the original and can be held to its own merit.
By far, the most definitive and astounding element here is the gameplay. A great sense of fluidity, control and an abundance of tactile options keep enemy encounters fresh. The gameplay is coupled with astounding sound design that respects the dreadful setting and brilliant visuals that fill players with trepidation.
Revisiting some cleared areas and discovering new ones (beyond the necessity of story progression) can often be approached with enthusiasm due to the rewarding mechanism of valuables and treasures that go a long way toward helping you make impactful upgrades to your arsenal.
In short, the Resident Evil 4 Remake offers familiar, yet challenging enemies, is filled with exhilarating boss fights, and is paced in a manner that helps a truly unique and memorable action-horror experience to shine through. It almost entirely recaptures lightning in a bottle, and repurposes it, to present a refined version of a familiar artefact that is even more special than the original.
Rating: 4/5