With political apathy increasing, understanding who you’re voting for and what they advocate is hugely important.
Forge Press approached every candidate for the Sheffield Central and Sheffield Hallam constituencies and offered them a chance to speak through their manifestos.
The Green Party candidate for the Sheffield Central constituency, Angela Argenzio, accepted the request for an interview.
The Interview: Angela Argenzio
Angela has been political from an early age, being interested in the concepts of justice and human rights, as well as the environment – concepts she sees as ‘very linked’.
She volunteers for Amnesty International, and was the treasurer of its Sheffield group until having her second child, taking ‘quite a bit of a step back’.
She got back involved in 2016, and she explains why: “Brexit happened, so my partner and I decided that we ought to stop being more active again.
“Obviously, I’m a migrant myself, but the journey of people who flee resonates with me.”
On becoming a Green Party candidate, she says: “It was something out of the blue really. I wasn’t expecting it.
“In fact, until a couple of weeks ago, I would have said I’m not a politician. I’m a community activist, but for me, being representative of real communities is very important.”
“We’ve had 14 years of Conservative government that has completely destroyed the country in terms of the cost of living crisis compounded by a policy of austerity.”
She says the Green Party proposes to tax the wealthy, and use the money for the social care, welfare and similar – including £28 billion for the NHS.
They also plan to restore and rebuild aging NHS buildings.
She also says its important to change the narrative about migration. She says: “None of the other parties are offering and any kind of compassionate response to migration.
“Migration is being used as a political football.
“We need to have safe routes into the country for people to take sanctuary.”
On the subject of Gaza, she says: “We’ve called for an immediate ceasefire.
She also says: “I think because of our colonial past we need to position ourselves as the peacemakers and the mediators – not those who sell arms to the very country that is committing atrocities.”
When asked about her policies on students, she noted that students are a big part of the city’s character, calling them “fundamental” to Sheffield.
She said that the Green Party wants to abolish tuition fees, something she says would “enable people from all backgrounds”.
She continued: “It should be a fundamental right that going into higher education doesn’t depend on your financial situation.”
On the future of power, she outlined the Green Party’s stance: “We would invest in technologies that would allow us to store wind power and solar panel power. and look at a green hydrogen possibilities.
“We should really look at renewable energy. And also we are wanting to introduce a carbon tax on the production and use of fossil fuel.”
She says the Green Party wants to nationalise the railways, amongst other companies, including water companies: “Why should people make money from water falling from the sky?
“It’s not something that should be owned by big companies for profit. It should be owned by people.
“And the same with trains – they’re so expensive in this country.
“Train travel and bus travel should be the cheapest option for people.”
She linked this to environmental issues, saying we’ve “ruined” much of the countryside and that the insect population is decreasing rapidly.
Sheffield Central Candidates

Angela Argenzio – Green
Sam Christmas – Liberal Democrats
Isabelle France – Trade Union and Socialist Coalition
Caitlin Hardy- Workers Party of Britain
Abtisam Mohamed – Labour
Lucy Stephenson – Conservative
Annie Stoker – Social Democratic Party
Alison Teal – Independent
If you don’t vote, you don’t have a say. Make your vote count.
Bring your ID to polling stations on the 4th of July.
Interview conducted by Alex Simpson, Editor-in-Chief