Annie Henderson launched a petition to lobby the university to target issues such as increased costs of kits, hiring venues, and transport.
She has outlined three requests:
1) Invest more money into sports funding to reduce costs to students.
2) Invest more into the sports facilities; Goodwin was constructed in the 1960s and no longer meets the needs of the student body. In addition, last year’s closure of the swimming pool means that we are the only Russell Group University without direct access to one.
3) Create a designated grant scheme for students wanting to participate in sports and physical activity.
The petition was originally launched on 6 February and has currently been supported by over 700 people.
On the petition, Miss Henderson stated: “Sport at the University of Sheffield is more than just kicking a ball around on a Wednesday afternoon.
“Sport provides an opportunity for students to find like-minded people, try something new, get active and feel part of something bigger.”
Further investment would not only benefit students, but also the wider community who regularly access our sports facilities.
The petition can be accessed here.