Almost 20 University of Sheffield students are occupying Jessop West in solidarity with the UCU strikes and in protest of the closure of the university’s archeology department.
The 17 students are showing their support for the lecturers currently on strike, and feel that both staff and students are undervalued by the university.
Through occupying Jessop West, a University owned building, the students hope to highlight how the management team treats the students and staff, shown through the department closure and restructuring of the arts.
One of the students taking part said: “We’re occupying Jessop West not only to support the UCU strikes but to support more local issues like the closing of the Archeology department and the threats to the arts departments.
“This is obviously further disruption, but this small level of disruption will be so worth it if the UCU wins.
“It’s a win for everybody, not just these students but future students.”
Credit: Rentstrikeuos, a sign being hung from the building