Review: Birdhouse Tea Bar & Kitchen

I’d never heard of the Birdhouse Tea Co. before – that was until one of my societies decided to arrange our Christmas meal there! I was a little sceptical at first, especially regarding the price tag. For a Christmas meal, it was a little higher than other events I have attended this year, but I decided to tag along – it’s Christmas, after all.
Stepping into the Birdhouse Tea Bar and Kitchen, the atmosphere welcomed us with a warming, tea-infused hug, and I just knew that this was going to set us up to have a great evening. A local business, it’s the finishing touches that make all the difference. As a customer, you feel appreciated. The staff were attentive to our large party, but it wasn’t just about the service. The little touches, from the shop to browse the impressive selection of tea, the eco-friendly Christmas crackers, and the cute wall hangings, made this place feel unique.
We were a large party, with about 20 of us in a petite tea bar, and if they were having a logistical nightmare behind the scenes, we didn’t notice it. The food was swiftly served by friendly faces with military timing throughout the night. Naturally, the food was the main event, and the staff certainly made sure of that! It wasn’t purely the fact that it was tasty that made this experience so memorable. When it arrived, its presentation on the plate made the food even more hunger-inducing. Every dish looked like it had originated straight from the realms of Instagram.

From the starters right through to the desserts on offer, I could easily have chosen all of them. I even felt a twinge of jealousy when the person sitting next to me ordered something different because everything looked, smelled and tasted so good. What they did very well indeed was add a modern twist to what could have been a traditional Christmas meal of soup, turkey and Christmas pudding. What we were served was more than enough to fill me up and to satisfy my hunger, and I could tell that the ingredients were crafted with the care and attention it deserved. If there is one criticism, the portions felt as if they were a little on the small side. Don’t let that put you off, however, because what we were served was nothing short of delicious.
This was unequivocally a treat not to miss. Not only that, but I am already longing for my next visit because the food was exceptionally good.
An indulgence for all the senses, this was by far the best Christmas meal I have had this year. For the price, yes, it was a little costly, but the humble, homely setting and the wonderful atmosphere made this place feel a little more upmarket than the restaurants that I tend to frequent. 
If you are looking for a place to meet a friend and just have a cup of tea, or if you are arranging a sit-down meal, the Birdhouse Tea Bar and Kitchen is well worth a try if you feel like splashing out, but not going too overboard. And once you’re done, take a look at their tea selection, too – because after all, it is a Tea Bar and not just any swanky café.


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