Gaming, just like similar subcultures and communities, doesn’t escape the trail of myths, misconceptions and stereotypes. Ranging from the overly saturated idea that video games stifle creativity, to gaming as an anti-social pastime, gamers across the globe have probably battled with at least one of those misconceptions.

Myth 1: Gaming is an anti-social hobby

Surfing the immense rabbit hole that is the internet, finding posts nostalgic about life pre-video games is not uncommon. Indeed, this outlook amplifies the myth that video games are anti-social. However, this is usually light years away from the actual truth. Gaming has a vibrant community, with platforms such as Discord and Twitch allowing gamers to connect and build friendships, culminating in the creation of strong online communities which transcend age, language and nations. Italian gamer Youtubers, for instance IlvostrocaroDexter, play a role in challenging the stereotype that gaming is a solitary activity by creating videos where they compiled their funniest gaming moments, highlighting the huge social potential.

Myth 2: Video games are simply mindless entertainment

An unmissable remark that several people involved in gaming heard whilst at school remains the old stereotype that video games stifle creativity. Growing up, you’ve probably heard teachers saying that the time spent playing video games could have been spent revising, but arguably video games can be an excellent way to increase and develop your critical thinking. Those such as the all-time classic Minecraft allow you to have complete control of what you build, and the overall storyline is an alternative way to develop problem-solving skills alone or with friends. Games such as Portal feature more traditional puzzles, and if that doesn’t scream logic and problem-solving skills, what does? 

Myth 3: Women play no part in the online gaming community

Although gaming remains to be regarded as a largely male-dominated culture, female gamers are also making valuable contributions. An area where this can clearly be witnessed is the success of female gamers Youtubers. iHasCupcake (6.99M subscribers) and SSSniperWolf (31.7M subscribers) are among the most well-known faces in the community providing an insightful approach to the multi-faced and successful nature of gaming.

Myth 4: Video games cause violence 

Sociological studies remain conflicted on the ongoing dilemma that video games cause violence. The most infamous example remains Grand Theft Auto which continues to receive notable criticism as a result of its explicitly violent and lawless content. In my opinion, the correlation between video games and violence persists as an extremely sensitive issue which should be treated with extra care as results would depend from person to person. Indeed, the majority of gamers wouldn’t hurt a fly, and normally resort to playing violent video games because it can be a perfectly valid outlet to release anger and frustration without negatively affecting anyone.