The University of Sheffield’s television station, Forge TV, are gearing up to film their version of the hit show Taskmaster and they’re inviting students to come and watch the production.

Over the past two months, the Forge committee have been organising, filming and editing the challenges featuring five university ‘celebrities’ from various societies, and they’re now ready to be grilled by the Taskmaster.

Joe Parnum, who has managed the production of Taskmaster, expressed his enthusiasm, stating, “I’m very excited for the show, it’s been such a team effort from everyone in Forge.

“We’ve had over 30 volunteers helping with the filming, the setup, the editing. So many people have put in so many hours into this project and it’s really encouraging to see it all coming together for the final show.”

The chosen celebrities have been drawn together from various university societies, from Benchball to Bummit, and they’ve taken part in top secret challenges that will go public at the live show.

As well as the audience, Forge’s very own Taskmaster, Radio Manager Sam Eyre, will also be experiencing the challenges for the first time on the night.

“I’m looking forward to bantering back and forth with the contestants, maybe ripping into them a bit – something that’s always fun, probably one of my favourite activities!” Sam shared.

“It’ll be an interesting challenge trying to fill the shoes of Greg Davies, admittedly he is a very tall man, so those are quite large shoes. But it should be fun, and the tickets are going fast.”

As well as managing the show, Joe will be stepping into the ‘Alex Horne role’, appearing alongside contestants and helping them through various challenges.

On appearing in front of the camera, Joe, who is also Forge’s Head of Graphics, stated, “In truth I’ll be a bit nervous but I’m trying not to think about it. I think as soon as the show starts and I see all the people in the audience it should hopefully feel more natural.”

The show will be recorded next Tuesday (October 21 st) in the Nelson Mandela Auditorium at the Students’ Union, starting at 7pm. Forge’s Deputy Station Manager, Emma Leyva, told us that “everyone is welcome to come down and be a part of Forge’s first major project of the year.

“I’m really proud of how Joe and the team have united to create this fantastic event, and I can’t wait to share what we’ve been up to with the wider university community.”

For those unable to attend, Emma assured that the entire episode would be available on Forge TV’s YouTube channel shortly after the event.

Tickets for the show are free and can be secured on the SU website at this link: