With the U.K. having gone through an unprecedented period in recent years, particularly due to Brexit, how do we as a nation move forward and close the deep divisions that separated Remainers and Vote Leave? Well, Penny Mordaunt MP and Chris Lewis may have the answers.

Greater: Britain After the Storm explores what a post-Brexit Britain could look like, from our institutions to our culture, and how recent political divisions are not only healthy, but integral to exposing the current need for political reform. The book also explores our changing political and social landscape, whilst reminding us of why we can remain optimistic, even in this tumultuous time.

Authors Penny Mordaunt MP & Chris Lewis. Image Credit: Wikipedia & Biteback Publishing

This book is a lovely read. It is an insightful look at the current British political landscape and is well informed, but not filled with jargon. Being co-written by a Brexiteer & a Remainer places this book ahead of the game when it comes to the political co-operation the authors discuss throughout and seeing that some at the top of political sphere are recognising the need for change, as well as proposing how this could be done, is refreshing and reassuring.

It’s also comedic! The Leader of The House of Commons and the PR guru have crafted a serious commentary that is still filled with laughs and stories that make this book a reassuring and empowering read about the future of our country and our place in the world. Whatever your views on Brexit and its prospects, both authors propose a future that may yet reap benefits, despite Brexit’s consequences so far.

I definitely recommend picking up this book. Mordaunt and Lewis have written a truly brilliant piece, perfect for anyone who has lost hope in British politics.

Rating: ★★★★★

Greater: Britain After the Storm (ISBN: 978-1-78590-609-1) was published in 2021 and won the Parliamentary Book Award 2021 for best non-fiction book by a parliamentarian

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