The city of Sheffield has a deep and varied history, from its metalwork roots, to the world-famous university city it is today. But what was Sheffield like between these points? How has Sheffield grown and evolved over the course of history into the city we’ve all chosen to spend our degree years, or longer in? Sheffield Life and Times tells that story, and many you may not have expected…

Sheffield Life and Times is a collection of items, locations and stories about the history of our city, primarily in the post-war decades up until today. With sections dedicated to community, metalwork, the environment, and the experience of growing up in Sheffield, the array of items on display are as varied as the city’s people, with a range of parts designed to make you consider what has led Sheffield to become the city it is today.

Sheffield-based LGBTQ+ charity SAYiT. Image Credit: Sheffield Mental Health Guide

This collection could easily be three or four separate ones, given the wide variety of items and stories displayed. But having them together shows just how much our city has grown and evolved over the decades. From a penny farthing bicycle to a Margaret Thatcher toilet paper, the range of this exhibit is simply unrivalled and is characteristic of the people who have made our city such a beacon in Britain and around the world.

The standout section of this exhibit for me was simple – the sub-exhibit Proud! as you enter, which tells the story of Sheffield’s queer community. There are plenty of inspiring stories and pieces here (including some on loan from the university’s LGBTQ+ Committee), but one of the most inspiring is ‘Exploring Identity’, a collection of masks from the young people at the LGBTQ+ charity SAYiT, with the one designed by Marcus standing out. Modelled on a bird of paradise with the colours of the pansexual and genderfluid flags, it is an inspiring piece showing the talent of the youngest in our city.

Sheffield Life and Times is a diverse and interesting look at our Steel city, its history and the people who have brought it to life. From tales of times gone by, to our modern city, it’s a great insight into who we share our city with, and what makes Sheffield the city it is.

Rating: ★★★★☆

Sheffield Life and Times is a continuing display at Weston Park Museum

Mask from ‘Exploring Identity’ by SAYiT Young Person Marcus. Image Credit: Sophie Layton