A sometimes controversial figure in the comedy world that can tiptoe on the line of what is okay and what is not, Angelone’s new show did the same again in a masterful way that captured the whole room. You will be shocked, heart-warmed and have real moments of empathy for Angelone, but most of all the laughs are there throughout the entire show.

Angelone has faced some criticism for the length of this show, but it is impossible to take your eyes off Angelone for the entire 75 minutes, he captures the audience in a way that seems like a seasoned comedian of decades, when actually Angelone has only been a full time comedian for 18 months. Angelone’s last show, Translations was a hit, and explored his exploration of his Italian-Irish identity and the resilience he has had to have in the face of criticism and hatred.

Comedian Vittorio Angelone. Image Credit: NE Volume

Who Do You Think You Are: I AM!, is the perfect sequel. He explores what makes him a whole person and how his identity shapes the person and comedian he has become today. The vulnerability of Angelone in these parts makes the laugh hit all the more hard, as even audience members that aren’t a previous fan of his, would finish the show feeling as if they know him very deeply and can relate to him.

For anyone that has seen any of Angelone’s work it will not be a shock to you that his audience interaction is impeccable. Online, he has millions of views on his crowdwork clips that are spontaneous yet genius, and some would assume that they are a fluke that are often caught on camera, but being in the room you can see how quick-witted and how easily he can turn his creativity on, in a skillful and incredibly quick way that I have never seen a comedian reach the heights of before. 

If you get the chance to see this creative masterpiece while it is still on tour, I urge you to do so!

Rating: ★★★★★

Vittorio Angelone: Who Do You Think You Are: I AM! is touring the U.K. until May 3rd

Image Credit: Ulster Hall