A student picture of a snowy bridge in Weston Park has been selected as the winning picture of the Photography Society’s latest competition. Held in February, the competition saw students competing to have taken the best picture under the theme of ‘Snow’, coinciding with the high snowfall we saw earlier this year. The competition winners were announced on the society’s social media pages earlier this week.

Competition Winner Jack Robertson. Image Credit: Nsung Lotha

First place was secured by Jack Robertson, who’s picture of one of the wooden bridges in Weston Park decorated with snow led him to outcompete the rest of the competition. Speaking to Forge Press, Robertson told us how “it’d recently been [his] birthday and Flynn (who took the amazing snow photo of the Arts Tower) had got[ten him] a Zeiss folding camera from…the 1950s which [he] was desperate to get out and test”. Speaking to the artistic inspiration behind his picture, Robertson named “one of [his] favourite photographers Ari Jaaksi, who uses somewhat similar cameras”.

Robertson believes that this is “one of the best” he has produced and was “chuffed to see that it was the photo that won [his] first competition”. His favourite part of the winning photo is that “if you zoom in, there’s actually someone on the bridge looking off into the distance, which I think is a nice little detail along with all the people you can spot enjoying the snow in the background”.

PhotoSoc Competition Winning Photo. Image Credit: Jack Robertson
Competition Runner-Up Flynn Robbins. Image Credit: Flynn Robbins

Similarly, the second place entry by Flynn Robbins was also taken in Weston Park, but this piece focused on the Arts Tower over the top of the trees, with snow-covered greenery in the foreground. Robbins spoke to how “the trees framing the Arts Tower caught [his] eye”  and that getting “the perfect angle…turned out well”. After finding out of his second place finish, Robbins told Forge Press that “it’s always cool to see my photos posted elsewhere from my own account”.

PhotoSoc Competition Runner-Up Entry. Image Credit: Flynn Robbins

Photography Society’s newest competition, in collaboration with Forge Press, is currently open to entries, with a ‘Twenties’ theme for budding photographers. With their previous winners having taken the crown before, will we see them return in this latest contest, or will a new winner take the title?

PhotoSoc’s ‘Snow’ competition ran in February, with their ‘Twenties’ competition accepting entries until tomorrow. Entries can be submitted on the society’s Instagram account @shefuniphotosoc

Image Credit: PhotoSoc