The University of Sheffield Light Entertainment Society (USLES) have announced their full cast and crew ahead of the first showing of original musical Chosen Ones, opening at Theatre Deli in May. This will be the most recent production for the society, who’s focus is predominantly on comedic ventures, since their comedy The Cheese Time played before Christmas in Coffee Revolution.

Taking to Instagram, the account for the production announced their “talented and wonderful [cast] and crew for Chosen Ones!”, consisting of a range of new and returning faces from the society. Written and co-directed by 2023/24 president Martha Allison, the show will be delivered by a 29-person team who were all revealed together by the production, breaking away from the traditional split of cast and crew.

The cast includes returning faces such as Ben as Captain Hook and Alec as Beaker, as well as Rachel playing Madame Fatale, Mason as Victor Frankenstein and Ashley as Count Dracula III. Martha is joined in directing by Gus, with Oscar as Technical Manager and Barbara as both Costume Designer and playing Maleficent, Lady of Misfortune. There is, however, a notable absence of Morphsuit Gary in the cast, leaving fans to wonder whether he will be making a cameo appearance at any point in the run.

The announcement of USLES’ latest cast, of which the society takes pride in casting everyone who is able to audition, is the latest of exciting announcements from the production, which will be the penultimate of the year from the three major performing arts societies (SUPAS, SUTCo and USLES), followed only by the final performance of SUTCo’s Shakespeare in the Park: As You Like It. With tickets on sale, the anticipation for the latest USLES venture is building around the university.

USLES’ Chosen Ones Full Company:

  •  Production Team
    • Writer / Co-Director ~ Martha
    • Co-Director ~ Gus
    • Technical Manager ~ Oscar
  • Cast
    • Captain Hook ~ Ben
    • Madame Fatale ~ Rachel
    • Victor Frankenstein ~ Mason
    • Count Dracula III ~ Ashley
    • Wiglaf the Lackey ~ Will
    • Maleficent, Lady of Misfortune ~ Barbara
    • Urchin the Street Urchin ~ Thomas
    • Wizard Chad Alpha Gandilf / DJ Titania ~ Autumn
    • Wizard Chad #2, Dumblebore / Anemone ~ Beth
    • Wizard Chad #3, Prospert / Bouncer ~ Megan
    • Tree ~ Aarushi
    • Bartender Toots / Bunsen ~ Joris
    • Beaker ~ Alec
    • Red Shirt / Gerald ~ Nawar
    • Final Girl ~ Anneli
    • Gabriel Demoraless / Adam ~ Ed
    • Eliza Valentine / Writer ~ Immy
  • Crew
    • Co-Stage Manager ~ Lauren
    • Co-Stage Manager ~ Yennie
    • Lighting Designer / Operator ~ Ani
    • Lighting Designer / Operator ~ Tim
    • Sound Designer / Operator ~ Sophie
    • Sound Designer / Operator ~ Viktor
    • Publicity Manager ~ Lily
    • Publicity Designer ~ Ben
    • Costume Designer ~ Barbara

USLES’ Chosen Ones is playing from May 10th to 11th at Theatre Deli. Tickets are available here

Image Credit: USLES’ Chosen Ones