The Sheffield University Performing Arts Society (SUPAS) have revealed that their main production in the first semester of the 2024/25 academic year will be Amélie. Following nominations and a vote of society members, the show was selected for week 11 of the first semester and was announced earlier today. This follows their previous announcement that the week 9 slot will be filled by Be More Chill.

Taking to social media in the last hour, the performing arts society announced their “Semester 1 ‘Large Scale’ show […] Amélie (2019 West End Version) is the story of an astonishing young woman who goes along quietly amongst the world but lives loudly within her mind.” Based on the book written by Craig Lucas and lyrics by Daniel Messé, the show will sweep audiences to Paris for their first large scale show of the year. Previous large-scale shows produced by SUPAS include this year’s productions of Made in Dagenham and December’s The Addams Family.

As well as announcing their selected show, SUPAS have also opened applications to join the Production Team for the show. This panel, which are charged with the organisation and running of the show, consists of a director, musical director, choreographer and production manager, each tasked with certain elements of the final finished show. Open to SUPAS members, applications are open for the remainder of the month, giving hopefuls time to consider which position(s) they wish to apply for.

This announcement completes SUPAS’ semester one line-up, having announced week 9’s Be More Chill less than two weeks ago. Set only two weeks apart, the society aims to deliver two exciting productions for new and returning members in the next academic year. Auditions for the shows are set to be announced ahead of likely dates in September, to coincide with Fresher’s Week. These shows will join SUTCo’s lineup, namely Your Heart’s Too Open, Close It in week 5, The Importance of Being Earnest in week 8 and Beaufort in week 10, with USLES also calling for scripts for their own upcoming shows.

However, many of these productions are likely to be affected by the ongoing situation regarding the Barber House Annexe, a storage facility used by both SUTCo and SUPAS which has been marked for demolition. As of yet, neither society has been offered an alternative location for their items, which consist largely of large set pieces, props and technical equipment. Scheduled to be destroyed in November, we are currently uncertain how this may impact upcoming student theatre, but both groups are reportedly working hard to engage with the University of Sheffield and Students’ Union regarding its future.

Regardless, today’s announcement will further add to the anticipation for the next semester of student productions at The University of Sheffield. With a range of new scripts and established pieces, shorter items and longer ones on offer, SUPAS’ announcement of Amélie will surely leave musical theatre fans excited for the remainder of 2024

Applications to join the production team of SUPAS’ Amélie are now open. An application pack can be found here

Image Credit: Pamela Raith