The Book’n’Cook society have revealed their committee members for the upcoming academic year. The society, now in its second year, unveiled their elected members yesterday, following an AGM of its members earlier in the year.

Taking to Instagram yesterday, the group said: “Meet the 2024/2025 Book’n’Cook committee! We are really looking forward to meeting you all next year! Stay tuned for more information about next year’s socials! Get ready to book’n’cook!”.

The Book’n’Cook society are a social group, creating a fun and safe space for students who enjoy both the literary and culinary worlds to come together and enjoy both passions simultaneously. They aim to run fortnightly socials across a range of activity types, including book shopping, recipe swaps and more, with many regular socials free to attend. The group also has a collection of books that can be used by social attendees in case they wish to borrow instead of bringing their own.

Annual General Meetings (AGMs) are an annual event in each society’s calendar, when constitution changes are voted on and new committee members are elected. Should roles remain outstanding following an AGM, an EGM (Emergency General Meeting) can be scheduled to fill remaining roles. Each society has four core roles, namely President, Secretary, Treasurer and Welfare & Inclusions Officer, which must be filled in order for a society to continue activities into the next academic year.

The committee-elect for the 2024/25 academic year is as follows:

  • President ~ Emilie Bonay
  • Secretary ~ Oli Kerkham
  • Treasurer ~ Cri
  • Welfare & Inclusions Officer ~ Benji
  • Welfare & Inclusions Officer ~ Abi

The Book’n’Cook Society can be found at @bookncook_sheff on Instagram

Image Credit: Book’n’Cook Society