Going to the theatre is, in my opinion, one of the best ways to spend your time. But why spend an afternoon OR and an evening at the theatre, when you can spend an afternoon AND an evening at the theatre? It may be a lot of time sitting still, but a Two Show Day is a rite of passage for every self-respecting theatregoer. But managing two shows in a single day can be a lot, so here’s my set of tips and tricks to fully enjoy your Two Show Day, with as little stress as possible!

A Two Show Day (or Two Dow Shay as it can be colloquially known!) is a single day in which you attend a matinee and evening performance of two separate theatre shows. They can be in the same city, general location or sometimes even in the same building, but can also be between locations or even countries if you’re feeling particularly bold. The idea is simply to maximise the show-seeing potential of a single day, so are most often seen when people visit theatrical hubs such as London or New York City, and want to spend as much time on the West End or Broadway as they can.

Do you fancy trying a Two Show Day? If so, lets go through some of my top tips before you head out for a full day of the stage

Image Credit: Wikipedia

What, Where & When?

The most obvious thing to consider is what you are planning to go and see. This may seem basic, but there can often be other factors to consider if you want to maximise your day, based on what you’re looking for. When it comes to selecting your two shows, consider whether you want to return to something you’ve seen before. Was there a show you really enjoyed that you’d love to see again? Alternatively, is there anything that’s moving away on tour or closing soon that you have to see before it goes? Are there any special performances that are happening that day you’re looking to maximise?

Whatever you end up going with, make sure it’s something you actively want to see. There’s no point going to an anniversary performance of a musical you hate, or seeing a show just because it’s closing night, so once you’ve chosen your shows, take a step back and consider whether you actually want to see those shows (I’ve saved lots of money over the years by taking a few extra seconds!).

The 1000th performance of SIX The Musical. Image Credit: Theatre Weekly

Now that you’ve picked your shows, you’ve then got to figure out which way around you want to see them. This will very much depend on what you’re looking for from your shows. If you’re a Stage Door person, remember that not all matinees will be followed by performers coming out of the theatre, so if there’s a particular cast member you want to see, consider leaving that show for the evening. Also consider your transport home after your evening performance. Is there a final train that you have to catch that a two-act show will cause you to miss? There’s nothing worse than a great day being ruined with a very expensive last-minute hotel booking!

The final consideration before booking is whether you can get from one venue to another in between. If you’re staying local, such as within your city or on the West End / Broadway, you’ll almost certainly be able to get between your venues. But if you’re planning on being a bit more adventurous, take a minute to check journey times, to avoid arriving late (or not at all!) to your second show.

If you’ve checked all of that and you’re ready to go, get booking! The rest of our tips will help you more on the day!

Stage Door after a performance of Heathers the Musical. Image Credit: BBC

Getting Around

Before you leave to go on your Two Show Day, spending ten minutes at home figuring out your transport will leave you a lot calmer on the day. This is particularly useful if you’re on Broadway and will be using the New York Subway, or London’s Tube network. Once you’ve decided how you will get to your first theatre, and home from your second, it’s time to decide the gap in the middle. You’ll often have at least one and a half hours to get between your venues, but having a plan already never hurts! Imagine the joys of leaving Wicked at the Apollo Victoria theatre and already knowing that you can get to the St. Martin’s Theatre for The Mousetrap via the Victoria Line to Green Park then Piccadilly Line to Leicester Square. It makes the time in between so much calmer and gives you time to grab something to eat or drink!

It’s at this point that you might want to plan an alternative route or keeping something other than Google Maps to hand. Knowing you have your plan is great, but what do you do if the Victoria Line happens to be down the day you’re going? The Tube map can take a second get your head around, but if you have a backup plan, all of this stress is removed straight away. It doesn’t matter that the Victoria Line is down because you’ll already know you can get the Circle/District Lines to Embankment and then the Northern Line to Leicester Square. This is applicable to any set of locations as well, just be prepared in case life decides to step in the way. The show must go on, and so must you!

There are multiple ways to get around! Both pink & orange routes get you from Victoria to Leicester Square with only one change! Image Credit: Transport for London

Anything to Eat or Drink, Madam?

In the excitement of a Two Show Day, things are often forgotten. And especially if time is shorter than you would have hoped, food can often be the discarded item. This is a sure-fire way to keep you distracted in the show, and if you don’t look after yourself, can make the day come to an end faster than you’d have liked. So where you can, plan to get some food and have plenty to drink when you can. Whether this is a sit-down meal in-between or after your shows, or a quick bite to eat at a fast-food outlet, any food is better than no food!

It’s often worth keeping a good-sized bottle of water on you throughout the day, and maybe a small snack or two in your bag. That way, if time is shorter than expected or you’ve been caught out in the day, you’re not left wanting. But if you do have time, explore the options around you and find somewhere nice to chill after your first show, as excitement builds for your second.

Why not grab something to eat at The Theatre Cafe to get in the mood for your Two Show Day? Image Credit: Secret London

She’s Packing

Now we all know you can’t take much into the theatre (and why would you want to?!) but keeping a few essentials on you can avoid any emergency situations with your train ticket locked on your dead phone. Firstly, a portable charger and cable is always helpful. If you don’t use it, amazing, but if you need it then you’ve got it, and you’ll be able to get to all of your tickets. It’s also worth considering a plug that your charging cable can go into. Whilst unlikely, you may find yourself on your way home with a plug socket next to you, which is always a relief! Keep a plug handy, and you never know when it’ll be useful.

Also, keep a small amount of cash on you for any emergencies when your card provider isn’t working or in case you lose your card, remember any coach or train cards in case they’re checked for, and particularly for female and LGBTQ+ theatregoers, keep a few phone numbers on a piece of paper or in mind in case you want to call someone on your way home or need to borrow a stranger’s phone. Hopefully, all of these will be superfluous, but you never know! Get yourself a nice tote bag (these are perfect size for Two Show Days and many shows now sell their own!), and if you’re a Stage Door person, any merchandise you want signed and a pen, and you’ll be confident you’re fully prepared!

Be aware of what you bring, & don’t take too much! Image Credit: Mischief Theatre

Don’t Overdo it!

Trust me, a Two Show Day is so much fun, but it is definitely tiring! So be aware of anything else you plan to do with your day! Try to avoid doing activities before you first show, between the two, and afterwards all in one day, because even the most determined tourist will burn themselves out very quickly! Be realistic with yourself, remember your own boundaries and limits, and prioritise your day for you. We’d all love to do everything there is to do, but you’ll find the experience a lot more enjoyable if you pace yourself.

A Two Show Day is a hallmark of a theatregoer’s life, and if you’ve yet to experience one, they’re so much fun and definitely worth going. Who wouldn’t love two shows in one single day? These tips are just a few that I’ve picked up from my time in the theatre, and hopefully, they’ll be useful for your own Two Dow Shay!

Image Credit: bf90er