Transgender people are one of the most popular political debates, with politicians, companies and many other groups all aiming to make their voices heard above the furore of everyone else trying to have their say. But what do they all have in common? The vast majority are not Trans+ voices. So why not hear from those concerned directly?

The Transgender Issue is an exploration of the political, social and health experiences of Trans+ people, primarily in the U.K., but also in other parts of the world. The book explores what the realities are for Trans+ people, the fight for acceptance and liberation, and what must be done in order to ensure Trans+ rights flourish in a world which seems to be becoming less and less accepting of gender non-conforming people. A critique as much as an informational publication, the book explores the past, the present and what must be done to safeguard the future.

Author & columnist Shon Faye. Image Credit: Vogue

There is a lot in this book that I agree with. There is a lot in this book that I disagree with. But to say this book is crucial is an understatement. I am Trans+ myself, and whilst the author and I disagree on some of the arguments posed in some parts of this book, this is a really important book that everyone must read in order to truly appreciate the struggles of those who are not cisgender. The explanations are written incredibly well, have been deeply researched, and the combination of conceptual and real-life analysis, alongside accounts from Trans+ people themselves make this a very well informed publication. I don’t think anyone can appreciate the extent of struggles experienced by Trans+ people until they have read this.

This is a book which is leading the way on Trans+ non-fictional experience. Whilst some of it is already outdated, it goes to show just how unstable the U.K. is for Trans+ people, and how we may all begin to make change for a better future for our Trans+ siblings.

Rating: ★★★★★

The Transgender Issue (ISBN: 978-0-141-99180-1) was published in 2021. A copy is available to borrow from the LGBTQ+ Lending Library in the LGBTQ+ Lounge

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