The Sheffield University Performing Arts Society (SUPAS) have re-opened production team applications for both of their upcoming semester one productions. Having originally closed last month, neither show has received applications for every required role, which has forced the society to call for additional production team members. This may have an impact on the viability of the upcoming productions due to the nature of the missing roles.

In a post on the society’s social media yesterday afternoon, the musical theatre company explained: “We are reopening Prod Team applications to complete our prod teams for both Semester 1 shows. Without these roles, the show cannot go on. If you’ve been considering applying, now is the time! […] You have until the end of the 27th July to apply. Head to the bio to find the application form and pack for both shows.”

SUPAS’ Week 11 large-scale musical Amélie is awaiting a Choreographer. In the show’s application pack, SUPAS explain how the Choreographer is charged with “cast movement more complex than basic blocking, from choreographed movement to dance numbers”, working with the Director and teaching and rehearsing movement with the cast. It is suggested that applicants for this role should have previous experience “both dancing and teaching dance/leading large groups”.

Meanwhile, their week 9 small-scale musical Be More Chill is still looking for both a Musical Director and a Production Manager for the production. The Musical Director is the figure tasked with “all aspects of the show’s music, from learning and rehearsing to specific creative direction over the sound created”. As well as leading singing and band rehearsals, they also arrange band materials and organise the production’s City Rally, where cast perform in Sheffield city centre before the show. SUPAS have suggested that applicants should “have a strong understanding of theatrical music and it is also useful to have experience leading and teaching both vocal and instrumental ensembles”.

Image Credit: SUPAS

Production Managers manage all of the technical aspects of a show, including lighting, sound, set, costume and props, as well as stage management departments. A largely organisational role, the Production Manager works with all technical departments and Technical Coordinator to bring each of these elements together, manages budget assigned to each of them and leads both the Get-In and Get-Out processes during the show week. They also are tasked with maintaining communication between individual departments, to ensure every area complements every other.

Whilst significant excitement has been generated from SUPAS’ show announcements, the society is keen to stress the need for these roles to be fulfilled if Be More Chill and Amélie are to go ahead. It is currently unclear whether additional shows may fill these gaps if these productions cannot be organised, but the musical theatre community will be keen to fill these slots to avoid such an eventuality.

Applications to join the production team of SUPAS’ Be More Chill and Amélie are open until July 27th. Application packs can be found here

Image Credit: SUPAS’ Made in Dagenham