To the sound of herpes diagnoses, dolphin attacks and a ghostly haunting, Potty emerges from his conspicuous red home, winning the hearts of the audience within seconds as he proudly proclaims “I am Potty the Plant”! The following musical of the same name is a well-crafted, hilarious and downright goofy show that is sure to captivate anyone who happens upon its madness.

From small details to the wider plot, Potty the Plant takes lovable comedy, rips it out by the roots and redefines what we can call enjoyment. Its hour of fun draws audience in with its lovable mascot and cute aesthetic and keeps them for what is a story with heart and love. Well written songs and comical acting wouldn’t be out of place in a pantomime, in a less-than family friendly edition that we can all fall in love with. As Potty and the hospital team work against the evil Dr. Acula looking to marry Miss Lacey for economic gain, the intimate seating draws viewers closer together (literally!) as they rally around our lovable hero and his friends.

Potty the Plant. Image Credit: Potty the Plant

Peppered with puns, ginger jokes and the occasional dark humour, this show is a “fang-tastic” production with more unexpected murder than you could shake a yardstick at. Each cast member gives good renditions of each of their individual songs, harmonising well in a not-unlike Les Misérables manner to give us a musical that is destined for greater things. Our heroes (and villain), clad in brilliantly simple yet perfect costumes, including a sun reminiscent of the Teletubbies (but admittedly less cute) and a Dr. Frank-N-Furter-esque Dr. Acula that feels like the meeting of great minds playing out on stage.

A few issues with feedback, Acula’s seemingly Texan accent and Miss Lacey’s surprisingly gleeful and upbeat manner when singing Unhappy are not quite perfect points but ones that you leave behind within seconds when faced with slick choreography, incredibly detailed acting (Dave’s fainting is masterful it must be said) and an entire cast clearly having the time of their lives on stage, which is as infectious as it is entertaining. And the levels of chemistry achieved between cast members, most noticeably between Miss Lacey and Potty is remarkable, particularly given that one of these cast members is a puppet plant!

From Potty in the doctor’s office, to bridal Potty to Pottitachini, Potty the Plant’s masterful characterisation and hilarity is a force to be reckoned with, giving us a bizarrely adorable performance from our lovable titular character. Every cast member, including our three magnificent ensemble members, shine in their own ways and give a show that shouldn’t be underestimated, unless you want an appointment with Dr. Acula! He may be trying to get Miss Lacey to “scream yes from the top of her lungs”, but Potty the Plant gets the rest of us very close, and given our puppeteer’s request for help to be freed from his box, it’s time as many people as possible ran to Potty the Plant to see what they can do.

Rating: ★★★★☆

Potty the Plant is playing at Gilded Balloon Patter House until August 26th

Image Credit: Sophie Layton