The University of Sheffield Photography Society (Photo Soc) recently unveiled their new committee for the 2024/25 academic year. The 13-person team, consisting of a range of student members, were elected to their roles in April during the group’s AGM, and will be in charge of organising the society, its events, and presence on campus until the next AGM season in April 2025.

Image Credit: PhotoSoc

The Photography Society are a group of student photographers based in Sheffield, sharing pictures from their members and running regular competitions. The group also runs regular social events and other activities throughout the academic year. The group have also recently announced their Summer Photography Competition, their first such contest of the year, asking members to submit up to three photos taken over the summer. Following the deadline on October 5th, the winning submission will receive a print of the winning picture, as well as a disposable camera.

Annual General Meetings (AGMs) are an annual event in each society’s calendar, when constitution changes are voted on and new committee members are elected. Should roles remain outstanding following an AGM, an EGM (Emergency General Meeting) can be scheduled to fill remaining roles. Each society has four core roles, namely President, Secretary, Treasurer and Welfare & Inclusions Officer, which must be filled in order for a society to continue activities into the next academic year.

The committee-elect for the 2024/25 academic year is as follows:

  • President ~ Joseph Wheal (preceded by Guy Cridland)
  • Secretary ~ Caitlin Britton (preceded by Joseph)
  • Treasurer ~ Henry Jones (preceded by Henry Jones)
  • Welfare & Inclusions Officer ~ Mimi Tang-Deleani (preceded by Zach Fairbrother)
  • Publicity Officer ~ Thomas Whitehead (preceded by Charlotte Beever)
  • Design Secretary ~ Iona-Mae Booth
  • Jobs Secretary ~ Teigan Crees-Jones (preceded by Caitlin Britton)
  • Activities Officer ~ Abby Wu (preceded by Rose)
  • Competitions Secretary ~ Flynn Robbins (preceded by William)
  • Equipment Officer ~ Alex Edgley (preceded by Jasmine Elliot)
  • Darkroom Officer ~ Freddie Dancey (Re-elected)
  • Darkroom Officer ~ Eilidh Mitchell (Re-elected)
  • Darkroom Officer ~ Jack Robertson

Photography Society can be found at @shefuniphotosoc on Instagram. The group’s Summer Photography Competition is open for submissions until October 5th

Image Credit: HanQing Xing