For many university students, the excitement of starting this new chapter is often shadowed by an unsettling question: Am I in the right place? I certainly felt this way when I first started. New environments, social demands, and the pressure of expectations can make you wonder whether you’ve made the right decision. If you’ve ever felt out of place, unsure, or even like an imposter in your university experience, trust me—you’re not alone. 

When you first transition into university life, it’s easy to feel like an outsider. Moving to a new city, away from familiar friends and family, and suddenly being tasked with managing life independently is no small feat. On top of that, you’re expected to balance new social circles, intense academic work, and figure out how to ‘adult’—all at once. It’s no wonder doubt creeps in. But feeling out of place is normal, and most students experience it at some point. University is a huge adjustment, and it’s okay not to feel settled right away.

Doubting whether you’re in the right place is completely natural, but it’s important to figure out whether those feelings are temporary or if they’re pointing you in a different direction. University life comes with a whirlwind of new ‘firsts’; the key is to give yourself time to adapt before making any drastic decisions.

When uncertainty starts to creep in, take a step back and think about what initially drew you to this university. What were the things that excited you about the University of Sheffield? Maybe it was its academic reputation, a unique course, or the chance to be part of a thriving student community. Whatever it was, reconnecting with those initial reasons can help calm those doubts. As a student, it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you’ve chosen wrong and that there’s no way out. But this is a time for discovery. Whether that means switching courses or exploring your passions outside the lecture theatre, opportunities to redefine your path are everywhere. You’re not supposed to have everything figured out from day one—that’s what these years are for.

At the University of Sheffield, there are so many clubs, societies, and events that make it easier to explore different interests and connect with like-minded people. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Whether that’s joining the walking club, Duck Society, or even a knitting group, you’re bound to find where you truly belong.

I’m going into my second year now, and I still feel these doubts from time to time. Choosing to trust the process and stay open to change is key as a student. That immediate discomfort you’re feeling right now? It’s part of the growth. Don’t let it hold you back from chasing your dreams or being open to new possibilities. Embrace all the emotions that come with this new journey, and know that you’ll find your rhythm eventually.