Credit: University of Sheffield

The University of Sheffield has joined a nationwide network of UK universities recognised for their contributions to the support of displaced peoples from nations plagued by war, persecution and other disasters.

This comes as a result of decades of support for those seeking sanctuary. 

This includes 10 fully funded Sanctuary Scholarship programmes dedicated to allowing students forced into migration to study at a higher level in Sheffield. 

Rob Sykes, Chief Operating Officer and Chair of the University of Sheffield’s Sanctuary Steering Group said “We are very pleased to be recognised as a University of Sanctuary” recognising this continued support network as “important work”.

The University has played a part in multiple projects in Sheffield supporting asylum seekers and refugees at both a grassroots level and across the wider Sheffield community. 

This includes Global Cafe sessions, designed to support a welcoming and inclusive environment for students of all backgrounds and funding for the Sheffield branch of The Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain (AUGB).

Chishamiso Mkundi, a business management student at the University of Sheffield, from Zimbabwe who has benefited from one of these Sanctuary Scholarships. 

He said: “The University of Sanctuary is what every refugee needs. 

“It has provided me with hope when I was hopeless, assurance when I was doubtful, a brighter future when everything looked bleak.”

Further information can be found on the university’s website.

Video courtesy University of Sheffield.