Sheffield Central Candidate Spotlights : Isabelle France, TUSC

The General Election is fast approaching, and Sheffield’s candidates have been busy campaigning for your vote.

With political apathy increasing, understanding who you’re voting for and what they advocate, is hugely important.

Forge Press approached every candidate for the Sheffield Central and Sheffield Hallam constituencies and offered them a chance to speak through their manifestos and their plans for the local area.

The Trade Union & Socialist Coalition (TUSC) candidate for Sheffield Central, Isabelle France, accepted the request for an interview.

Miss France has stood as a candidate three times before in Sheffield’s local elections, contesting Crookes and Crosspool ward in 2022, and Walkley in both 2023 and 2024.

“The reason I stand is to put forward socialist ideas, a socialist programme and hope people come, join us and start an organised opposition to right wing parties, capitalist politics etcetera!

If elected, Miss France says that she would campaign for public services to be fully funded, and that all workers were paid at least £15/hour.

She also says that another key policy is nationalising transport, energy and banks.

“So the workers in those industries can actually have a say about how those industries are shaped, and what they look like.”

Students have been part an encampment standing to show solidarity for Palestine at Sheffield University for over 50 days now: uos encampment to show solidarity with Palestine.

On the conflict in Gaza, Miss France said TUSC would “put in bans and sanctions in arms sales, and fighting for a solution between both Palestinians and Israelis.”

On housing, Miss France said: “Rent is obscene- I’ve been privately renting for about ten years in the city, and the increase is just crazy- it’s unsustainable.

we need things like caps on rent, we need to regulate landlords to stop the predatory housing market and model at the moment, making sure we’re building new houses for people”

Miss France also said that she would outlaw zero hour contracts, saying that they are often ‘very exploitative, particularly for young people’, as well as advocating for free education.

Miss France said: “There shouldn’t be a price to university, to learning, it should be free and accessible to everyone”.

TUSC are standing across in 40 constituencies across England, Scotland and Wales, the first time they have stood in Westminster elections since 2015.

Sheffield Central Candidates

General Election Candidates for the Sheffield Central constituency. From left to right (Top) ~ Angela Argenzio (Green), Sam Christmas (Liberal Democrat), Isabelle Amy France (Trade Unionist & Socialist Coalition) & Caitlin Hardy (Worker's Party). Bottom ~ Abtisam Mohamed (Labour), Lucy Stephenson (Conservative), Annie Stoker (SDP) & Alison Clare Teal (Independent). Image Credit: Who Can I Vote For?, The Liberal Democrats & The Social Democratic Party
From left to right (Top) ~ Angela Argenzio (Green), Sam Christmas (Liberal Democrat), Isabelle Amy France (Trade Unionist & Socialist Coalition) & Caitlin Hardy (Worker’s Party). Bottom ~ Abtisam Mohamed (Labour), Lucy Stephenson (Conservative), Annie Stoker (SDP) & Alison Clare Teal (Independent). Image Credit: Who Can I Vote For?, The Liberal Democrats & The Social Democratic Party

An aim of TUSC, as Miss France puts it, “is not only making sure you have a liveable existence right now, but also making sure you have a genuine future”.

A concern facing many students is social issues.

When asked, Miss France said: “I think they’re right to be concerned about social issues, a lot of this stems from economic insecurity.”

Miss France would address these issues in Sheffield by “making sure that everybody, regardless of their sex, gender or race, are able to access things like housing, secure pay, the NHS, other public services”.

This is important because it ensures “everyone is able to access the same good quality of services”.

Miss France ended the interview saying: “If anyone likes what I’ve said, and agree with it,

come and find us on the 5th of July, because the work doesn’t stop after the 4th”.

If you don’t vote, you don’t have a say. Make your vote count.

Bring your ID to polling stations on the 4th of July. 



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