The Sheffield Latin & Ballroom Society (ShefLABS) have revealed their 2024/25 committee members on their social media. Following an AGM held on April 17th, the society’s newest committee members are taking up their roles over the summer break in preparation for Freshers Week next month. They will hold their roles until the next full committee election season, expected to be in April.

Image Credit: Sheffield Latin & Ballroom Society

Sheffield Latin & Ballroom Society is a dance group comprising both University of Sheffield and Sheffield Hallam students at all levels, for both casual and competitive goals. As well as regular dance classes, they also hold a range of other socials, as well as attending competitions and other workshops. They are also known for their annual charity Strictly Come Dancing event, scheduled this year for October 15th.

Annual General Meetings (AGMs) are an annual event in each society’s calendar, when constitution changes are voted on and new committee members are elected. Should roles remain outstanding following an AGM, an EGM (Emergency General Meeting) can be scheduled to fill remaining roles. Each society has four core roles, namely President, Secretary, Treasurer and Welfare & Inclusions Officer, which must be filled in order for a society to continue activities into the next academic year. The committee have also announced a new AGM to fill the remaining roles on their committee, namely Events Organiser and Social Secretary, to be held in the upcoming semester.

The committee-elect for the 2024/25 academic year is as follows:

  • President ~ Charlotte Combrinck (preceded by Faith Reading)
  • Vice President ~ Eilidh Drummond (preceded by Ellen Starkey)
  • Secretary ~ Sophie East (preceded by Abi Tooke)
  • Treasurer ~ Rhiannon Brown (preceded by Eilidh Drummond)
  • Welfare & Inclusions Officer ~ Zalán Lévai (preceded by Julian Jung)
  • Team Captain ~ Charlaine Hau (preceded by Rhiannon Brown)
  • Team Captain ~ India Sodhi-Urey (preceded by Ruby Cox)
  • Publicity Officer ~ Lois Moore (preceded by Lucy Wilson)
  • Hallam Representative ~ Lois Moore (preceded by Abbie Higgins)

Sheffield Latin & Ballroom Society can be found at @sheflabs on Instagram

Image Credit: Sheffield Latin & Ballroom Society