Meet the Team

MET, Design, and Photography

Meet our Managing Editorial Team (MET) - Charlie and Shakthi, Head of Design Thomas, and Head of Photography Gana.

Social Team

Meet our one-of-a-kind Social Media and Advertising team led by Chloe!

Working Roles

Meet our dedicated Working team, Rebecca, Eva and Gana!

News & Multimedia

Meet our spectacular News team!


Meet our magnificent Features editors, George and Alexander!


Meet our astounding Opinion editor, Max!

Science & Tech

Meet our brilliant Science & Tech editors, Charlotte and Sophie!


Meet our wonderful Lifestyle editors Emily and Simone!


Meet our fabulous break editors! There is still one editor role left, if you're interested make sure to apply at our next AGM or EGM!

Arts & Theatre

Meet our fantastic Arts & Theatre editors, Lucy and Sophie!


Meet our incredible Music editors, Aimie and Joey!


Meet our exceptional Screen editors, Charlie & Livia!


Meet our excellent Games editors Ornella and Aaron!


Meet our hardworking Sports team!